The last three WODs have been pretty tough on my body but I am happy with my performance with all of them. I have found ways to either scale or break up the workout to keep my intensity high and keep progressing.
The first WOD was 400m run/250 Dead lift 15 reps/30 sit ups for 5 rounds. This one I had to modify quite a bit. Instead of the 400m run I ran stairs about 100 stairs up so hopefully it was about the same. I lowered the weight to 225 because I am still not great at the dead lift. I really need to focus on keeping my core tight and back straight. The weight was no prob, which I am happy with, but of course the later rounds my form was not the greatest. Another side note use ab mats my tail bone still hurts!
The second WOD was 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1 HSPU and 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15 L-Pull ups. Now when I saw this workout I was thinking I should do well because it is playing to my strengths. I have pretty good confidence in my pull ups and HSPUs. I broke it up the best way I could and put up a good time for myself. I got it done in 17:45 and my arms and shoulders were destroyed.
The third WOD was 45# Barbell OH lunge for 50ft and 21 Burpees for 5 rounds. This one I got a little excited for. DON'T know why but it looked fun? This one really took it out of me. I got this one done in 12:30. It was a good way to end the cycle because I am really looking forward to the rest days. At the same time I am not used to not doing a WOD on rest days. So I either try to play a sport or take time for myself.
I really am enjoying training for this and am having a blast being at CFO more often since I am doing my internship. The crazy part is that I am looking forward to the WODs and I constantly look for the WOD at 9 sharp to see what it is. I love watching the 6am crew do the WOD and sometimes watching Ricky do it as well then watching the 5:30 crew do what I just got done. It is definitely a learning experience. This is where I have changed because of Crossfit, I watch people get done with the WOD and are on the floor cursing and in the fetal position and I say to myself "I cant wait to do this WOD". This is where I start to question my "Sanity".
The first WOD was 400m run/250 Dead lift 15 reps/30 sit ups for 5 rounds. This one I had to modify quite a bit. Instead of the 400m run I ran stairs about 100 stairs up so hopefully it was about the same. I lowered the weight to 225 because I am still not great at the dead lift. I really need to focus on keeping my core tight and back straight. The weight was no prob, which I am happy with, but of course the later rounds my form was not the greatest. Another side note use ab mats my tail bone still hurts!
The second WOD was 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1 HSPU and 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15 L-Pull ups. Now when I saw this workout I was thinking I should do well because it is playing to my strengths. I have pretty good confidence in my pull ups and HSPUs. I broke it up the best way I could and put up a good time for myself. I got it done in 17:45 and my arms and shoulders were destroyed.
The third WOD was 45# Barbell OH lunge for 50ft and 21 Burpees for 5 rounds. This one I got a little excited for. DON'T know why but it looked fun? This one really took it out of me. I got this one done in 12:30. It was a good way to end the cycle because I am really looking forward to the rest days. At the same time I am not used to not doing a WOD on rest days. So I either try to play a sport or take time for myself.
I really am enjoying training for this and am having a blast being at CFO more often since I am doing my internship. The crazy part is that I am looking forward to the WODs and I constantly look for the WOD at 9 sharp to see what it is. I love watching the 6am crew do the WOD and sometimes watching Ricky do it as well then watching the 5:30 crew do what I just got done. It is definitely a learning experience. This is where I have changed because of Crossfit, I watch people get done with the WOD and are on the floor cursing and in the fetal position and I say to myself "I cant wait to do this WOD". This is where I start to question my "Sanity".