Thursday, January 22, 2009


The last three WODs have been pretty tough on my body but I am happy with my performance with all of them. I have found ways to either scale or break up the workout to keep my intensity high and keep progressing.
The first WOD was 400m run/250 Dead lift 15 reps/30 sit ups for 5 rounds. This one I had to modify quite a bit. Instead of the 400m run I ran stairs about 100 stairs up so hopefully it was about the same. I lowered the weight to 225 because I am still not great at the dead lift. I really need to focus on keeping my core tight and back straight. The weight was no prob, which I am happy with, but of course the later rounds my form was not the greatest. Another side note use ab mats my tail bone still hurts!
The second WOD was 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1 HSPU and 1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15 L-Pull ups. Now when I saw this workout I was thinking I should do well because it is playing to my strengths. I have pretty good confidence in my pull ups and HSPUs. I broke it up the best way I could and put up a good time for myself. I got it done in 17:45 and my arms and shoulders were destroyed.
The third WOD was 45# Barbell OH lunge for 50ft and 21 Burpees for 5 rounds. This one I got a little excited for. DON'T know why but it looked fun? This one really took it out of me. I got this one done in 12:30. It was a good way to end the cycle because I am really looking forward to the rest days. At the same time I am not used to not doing a WOD on rest days. So I either try to play a sport or take time for myself.
I really am enjoying training for this and am having a blast being at CFO more often since I am doing my internship. The crazy part is that I am looking forward to the WODs and I constantly look for the WOD at 9 sharp to see what it is. I love watching the 6am crew do the WOD and sometimes watching Ricky do it as well then watching the 5:30 crew do what I just got done. It is definitely a learning experience. This is where I have changed because of Crossfit, I watch people get done with the WOD and are on the floor cursing and in the fetal position and I say to myself "I cant wait to do this WOD". This is where I start to question my "Sanity".

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well did not know what to expect for the second set of three workouts for the main site. The first day with
10GH sit ups/Hip Extensions
30 95# thrusters
50 Pull ups
This one was ridiculous, my back was torn up after this one and could not get to the third round in 20 min. This one was the first obstacle of the 3.
The second WOD was 10K run. Now i am no runner so this one was tough. I decided to try to keep up a 7min mile and at the 3rd mile i started to slow down and so I decided to walk just for a few seconds and run one more mile and try to pick up the pace. This was tough and my calves are still sore today. It was around 35min give or take.
The third WOD was full cleans 1RM. I was very intimidated by this one. I have (HAD) a fear of the weight falling on me. Now I do not and this is a BIG BIG break through for me. I have never really done max loads with Cleans so every rep I put up was another PR for me. I worked out with Tovar today and I really enjoyed it and we helped each other out tremendously. I probably could not have done the weight I did if it was not for him. Through this work out my confidence doubled, then tripled, and then just kept going as long as I was moving on up. I was able to get up to 223# and this is a huge surprise to me because I did not know I could do that. Like everything else in these workouts I need to have more confidence in doing them, I over analyze my abilities and I just need to let myself do it and analyze it after. Well I really enjoyed today being with all the teammates and hope I get to do that more often. Well I will enjoy the rest day and look forward to the next set of "Obstacles"!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

UPs and DOWNs

Well the first path didn't end up in a good place but the next couple of days went well. Not finishing a workout was very frustrating at first but it just taught me to be more aware and find a way to work harder on my weaknesses. I got about half way through the workout with virtual shoveling my DOWNs, and then got through cleans/dips WOD in 13:55 UPs, and ANNIE done in 8:13 about EVEN? Well I love to evaluate myself after workouts and that can help me or make me way over think things. I need to remember to always put 100% into each workout and enjoy myself and if I do that I will never have to over analyze another workout again. That may be my ultimate goal for this journey, to be more humble and appreciate the abilities that I have. Well that's all I got and I hope there will be more learning experiences during my "UPs and DOWNs."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Path

Starting to use this as a way to write down and keep track of my nutrition and workouts. Starting a new path is the way I look at the journey I am about to venture. It is nice to have something to train for again, and have the desire I used to have when I was playing sports.

I want to track my ups and downs to see how I feel about my diet and my workouts. So maybe by writing it down it will relieve the stress and worry about trying to remember my past.

I hope to use this outlet as a learning tool and to keep bettering myself as I continue my "New Path".

First path - For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
  • Virtual shoveling
  • Pull-ups