Friday, July 31, 2009


I have been writing my workouts down in a book lately, so I have neglected to post them up on here. I am finally starting to feel better about my workouts since california and getting back to my diet. today was the first in awhile that I had my ol confidence about a workout. I think i might start doing two a days once and awhile, i did the other day and it was tough but i liked it.

Deadlift 3x3
70% - 280
80% - 320
90% - 360
Hip extension 5x12
Toes to bar 5x15

Team workout
2 rope climbs
5 tire flips
7 burpees
9 30" box jumps
11 Med ball cleans
13 jumping ball slams
15 K2E's
200m run
2 Rounds

Those two were fun that day, i raced ricky for the last 200m run and I was pretty sure i was going to throw up afterwards, it took me at least an hour to recover from that one.

Thursday 30th
Chest to Bar "EVA"
800m run
30 KB Swings 2 pood
30 CTB Pull ups
5 Rounds 40 min cut off

3 rounds completed with 800m run and 18 KB Swings.

Friday 31st
5 rounds
6 power snatch 132#
9 tire flips

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Times of My Life

Well I didn't know it could get any better than Denver. I sure was wrong. The CrossFit Games was the best experience and one I will never forget. i mean I hope it is not but if that was my last time there I gave it my all and enjoyed the 3rd CrossFit Games. My goal is to keep getting back there with the affiliate team and hopefully someday I can make it as an Individual. My vision of how good you have to be and be so well rounded has def changed. I know now you cannot just hope your strengths will come up in the workouts you have to be so well rounded in each aspect of fitness. I love CrossFit and this was the best decision I have made in my life to join in on this community.

I have never engulfed myself in anything like this, and it has made me a better man in all aspects of life. I have started to train for next year and I like what I have been seeing. My confidence in my lifts is where I want them to be but my strength needs to improve to back up my confidence. There are certain aspects of my fitness i also need to work on and I will choose workouts periodically that hit those challenges.

I also love the direction that the gym is taking as well. The members seem to be bonding on a whole other level and involving the new members faster and making people comfortable. I love that. I hope that continues and I know it will. I am now keeping a detailed journal of my eating and workouts so hopefully it will help me progress in better eating habits and knowing what each workout was like for future reference. Well im getting sleepy so im out.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Long time

Well I have been away from posting for awhile. Not sure why but I need to catch up. I haven't really been writing my workouts down either, which is very out of the norm for me. I have been doing a combination of CFFB workouts and CFO WODs and other things that I decide to do to work on my weaknesses. I have been feeling pretty good in workouts and I need to start toning it down a bit because my body is not feeling as good as it usually does. This weekend will probably consist of high volume and long workouts. I may just stop working out on monday and just stretch and be active throughout the week until the games.

I couldn't be more excited for the games but there has been a lot on my mind this past few days. The passing of Eric a client of ours has effected me more than I ever thought it would. I remember taking him through a couple of his one-on-ones and remembering that all he could really talk about were his kids. He was always smiling when he talked about them during those one-on-ones and he made me smile with him. Everyone who knew him knows what I am talking about. He worked hard and never complained, and you couldn't live your life better if you follow that. He will never be forgotten around here or outside of this place.

5 rounds 5 thrusters

I loved the workout but wished I never had to do it.