Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A little catch up

Well its been awhile and I got catch up on my training. I have been really busy lately with being out of town and work being busy and trying to put some training in there.

Friday June 12th
15 Clean & Jerks 155 lbs
Sprint 1 Full Gasser
10 Clean & Jerks 155 lbs
Sprint 1/2 Gasser
5 Clean & Jerks 155 lbs
Sprint 1/2 Gasser

Hour later did:
300m Run
20 Wall balls
2 rounds - 3:28

You know I dont remember the exact time with the CFFB, thats the trouble with putting up my workouts so late. I wanna say somewhere of 7 mins or so Im pretty sure. I was supposed to do a 1/4 of a gasser at the end but my stop watch was back at the gym so I had to to a 1/2 a one to get my time. I need the extra running!

Saturday June 13th
Rest Day
Wedding Day for a friend
3 hours

Not a bad time my legs were feeling it the next day.

Sunday June 14th
Ill explain this debacle of a WOD after I write it down.

Hang Squat Cleans - 50# DB
Lunges - 50# DB

Well I was combining to different WODs of the previous week and thought it was one of them we did before. I combined the KB Swings and Lunges WOD with the Hang Squat Cleans and Pull ups workout. I didn't time this one but I was so confused why it was taking me a long time cuz i remember peoples times being pretty quick and then found out I was doing something a little more LEG dominate than I was supposed to. I be stupid. Well I can always use the leg work.

Monday June 15th
SDHP - 132#
200m Run

It was not a good idea to do two pull movements back to back because my arms were shot after the first round. I almost puked in this one, happy about that because either I was pushing myself in this one (which i hope was the deal) or my food was not settled (which I dont hope it was).

3 Pushpress of 154
5 inverted rows
on the 2 min for 10 mins

300 meter run
20 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
20 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
20 Pushups
Walking Lunges, 20 steps
20 DB Hang Power Cleans, 35/20 pound dumbbells
10 Slam Ball Chest Throws, 20/16 pound ball
300 meter run

Happy with this one, I LOVE WODs with more than 3 or 4 movements. I push myself harder in these I feel, dont know why but Im i do. Well thats all I got. This one was long I hope it fits. Peace out people I got more on my mind for later.

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