Tuesday, June 2, 2009

PR's all around

With each day that I see where my strength is I find myself throwing more weight around. I squatted the other day for a 1RM and I never saw myself being able to squat heavy. I was able to get 300# up for my squat. I could not be more excited, this is really really heavy for me and I am happy with that number. Now I just need some leg endurance. The second PR came from my Press. I think my last one was 155 or 160 and now I got up 170 for 1. Im happy with that as well, my shoulders are my strength so I hope to keep getting stronger in that category.

I have been doing some metcons and not timing them, I may do that here and there to see if I notice a difference and how I push myself. Well thats all I got, because I am getting hungry. Peace yall

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