Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Crossfit Omaha we go Hard
I dunno I am listening to Jay-Z at the moment. Well this cycle was delicious, working on all aspect of my fitness that I need to work on. High rep squats, pull ups, and the ever so delightful rowing. I came away from this cycle in great spirits. I am looking forward to workouts and not looking at them until I show up. I used to look the night before and I told myself hey you should be ready for anything and not have a night to prepare. So I started that and I love it.
On a side note I want to thank CFO from Ricky, Joe, and Kylie to everyone that is a member of our great BOX. I have come into my own of late and I have no one else to thank but all of you. I have found a place that I am comfortable and never afraid of what the next day is going to bring. I am more confident in my teachings than ever but still want to learn and need to learn so much more. I know this learning experience will be never ending and I am all for it. I always say I wish I would have found this earlier but now I am just glad I found it period. I was always told when growing up, "no matter what you become in life you try to be the best at it no matter what it is." I think it fits here, I am going to be the best coach, trainer, crossfitter, and person I can be here while I am here.
So enough of my ranting, I am looking forward to tomorrows WOD and I will see yall at the gym. THANKS YALL!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Late nights = above par WODs

Now some of you might be asking don't you mean below par if it is a bad WOD. No says I, if you follow golf than being below par means good. So now that we have that covered I can move on.
Well Friday and Saturday night I was up til 4am. What am I doing up til then, I have no idea. I wake up before 4am during the week so I guess on the weekends I feel that when it hits 4am I should be awake anyways. Dumb! My workouts did not go as planned with these last 2. Friday I did
15min AMRAP
400m run
5 Shoudler Press- 132
15 K2E
4rounds and finished the run in the 5th in 15:26
Well this one felt great, it was a below par workout and I enjoyed it. I thought I was going to puke twice during this workout but I kept it down. Now I cannot say the same about the other two.
Saturday "Karen" 150 wall balls, again my poor mathematics came into play and I did 153 wall balls. Got it done in 10mins. NOT HAPPY. I watched Paul do it and he made it look easy, so I was kinda excited to do it. Easier watched than performed. My quads hurt still.
Sunday I did tabata push ups and situps total 8 rounds= 129. My sit ups felt good but I tired out pretty quick with push ups tho.
Well the regionals is just around the corner and I need to focus harder on my diet and sleep habits, because I am not doing so well this past week on either one of those. You would think waking up before 4 everyday and staying up until 4am on the weekends would make me tired. But apparently not. I need to start regulating my schedule and eat better so I get better sleep and longer sleep. Well school starts again tomorrow so long days ahead and hopefully I can get back to going to bed at 9pm each night. Man Im old. Well thats all I got. Cant wait for the new workout program coming up!!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Failure = Success
Today I have some FAILED attempts with my dead lift and my shoulder press. I was going for a 406 dead lift for my last 1RM, and well as you can tell by the title I failed at that attempt THREE times. My first was obviously my best attempt at it and lets just say I was 95%-98% there for a complete lift. Not happy. My goal was over 400 today and well didn't get there. I wish I could show you the video of my attempt because you will say like I said, how could you not get that the rest of the way up. Well my friends I tried and tried and just could not finish it off. I knew I left it all out there cause I felt like I was going to puke after the attempt. I tried it a couple more times and could not even come close. So that was my first failed attempt of the day.
My second was shoulder press. My shoulder press has been improving lately so I wanted to see if I could get my old 1RM shoulder press (155) and do it for a 4RM. Again I got 155 up three times and failed at the forth. This time I was about 80% there for a complete lift. So I was not feeling good after those two lifts.
As I left the workout I started to feel good about myself and what I had accomplished that day. I realized that even though I failed at 406 and only got 95% there, I was successful at getting the bar off the ground and moving more weight than I have ever done. I got 406 off the ground I am stoked, I couldn't even imagine doing that when I first started. This also came to me with my shoulder press. How can I be upset with failing on my 4th rep if I just did my old 1RM 3.8 times.
I could not be happier with where I have come and where I am now. My strength with dead lift has dramatically improved and my shoulder press is going up as well. I feel my failed attempts have shown me just how far I have come. I want to have more failed attempts, so that it will prove to me that I am putting my max efforts in and not quitting early.
To Succeed you must Fail.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Well well well
Well, I have found that no longer is running is my enemy! I hope? I have done 2 running WODs in the last two days and I am very happy with where I am. The first was
3 rounds
400 m run
21 swings 2 pood
21 burpee jumps 1ft
The run actually was not bad this time around. I feel like I can continue to run at a good pace and not think that I will vomit. Then the second one was something I just threw together because I wanted to workout outside
4 rounds
400 m run
15 KTEs
I liked this one. I think if I did it again on a rest day down the road I can see if I can push the run a little harder next time and see how I feel.
Well, my new path of not regretting workouts and not looking at other peoples times, has actually lead me in the right direction. I am personally feeling better about my progression and not wondering how I measure up to other people in the gym. Speaking of other people in the gym. You guys and gals are killing it! The Games group and the Omaha group are showing huge gains and I could not be more impressed. I love to watch people have fun at the gym and enjoy what they are doing. It makes for a great atmosphere and a big family of crossfitters.
Well, I just found out that I will be spending even more time at the gym after I graduate, because then I will be officially working for them. I couldn't be more excited. If I am able to stay with this job I will never have to "work" a day in my life. I have never wanted to go to a place so often and spend the time that I spend with people, then ever before. I am very thankful for everything and cannot say it enough. Well I believe that is all I got, and just remember be thankful for what ya got, because it always could be worse.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
"why not"
Today was very interesting for me because I love to Snatch and it just didn't feel right for some reason. My mind was not there today and it made my body not there as well. I need to work more on the catch, and I feel on rest days I need to start taking more advantage of the time I have to work on things like that. I PR'd today with snatch a 17# increase from the last time I did snatch, so I am more than pleased with that.
Zach J said it best when he said you just need to find your Zen state and focus on that. Well I did for my last rep and got it, I am never really a "pumped up" kinda guy. I feel once I do that I lose my concentration and need to refocus. I think that is why I take my time with strength workouts because I like to have deep focus on what I am doing. I feel like I should relate that to my Metcon workouts because sometimes I get too hyped and forget form/reps/rounds/a lot of things. I just need to step back take a deep breathe and empty my head. That is definitely something I do in my daily life so now I just need to bring it to the gym.
Buddha has a pretty simple but powerful quote " He is able who thinks he is able". This in my eyes is 100% of what Crossfit is. You got to first tell yourself you will do it, because then and only then will you. I strongly believe that your mentality about each thing you do in life, is reflected in how well you do those things. I have set goals I want to accomplish and there are somedays I look at them and say "this is way to far out of my league", and there are somedays I say "why not". Hopefully as time goes by my "why not" becomes "what's next".

This weekend was a blast and I can't wait to see the video, and I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. Ok one more quote and again relates to good ol xfit, "To keep the body in good health is a duty...otherwise we will shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear
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