Now some of you might be asking don't you mean below par if it is a bad WOD. No says I, if you follow golf than being below par means good. So now that we have that covered I can move on.
Well Friday and Saturday night I was up til 4am. What am I doing up til then, I have no idea. I wake up before 4am during the week so I guess on the weekends I feel that when it hits 4am I should be awake anyways. Dumb! My workouts did not go as planned with these last 2. Friday I did
15min AMRAP
400m run
5 Shoudler Press- 132
15 K2E
4rounds and finished the run in the 5th in 15:26
Well this one felt great, it was a below par workout and I enjoyed it. I thought I was going to puke twice during this workout but I kept it down. Now I cannot say the same about the other two.
Saturday "Karen" 150 wall balls, again my poor mathematics came into play and I did 153 wall balls. Got it done in 10mins. NOT HAPPY. I watched Paul do it and he made it look easy, so I was kinda excited to do it. Easier watched than performed. My quads hurt still.
Sunday I did tabata push ups and situps total 8 rounds= 129. My sit ups felt good but I tired out pretty quick with push ups tho.
Well the regionals is just around the corner and I need to focus harder on my diet and sleep habits, because I am not doing so well this past week on either one of those. You would think waking up before 4 everyday and staying up until 4am on the weekends would make me tired. But apparently not. I need to start regulating my schedule and eat better so I get better sleep and longer sleep. Well school starts again tomorrow so long days ahead and hopefully I can get back to going to bed at 9pm each night. Man Im old. Well thats all I got. Cant wait for the new workout program coming up!!!!!
You didn't like Karen?!
Wow Jon - you are on MY sleep schedule! It's awesome, and I feel fit, healthy and wise. I would also like to see a cross-section of my liver, because I would be willing to bet it's in pristine condition. Yes! I....am....a...rolemodel. :-)
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